1-Drink plenty of water
2-Breakfast like a King,lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3-To live with the 3E's-Energy,Enthusiasm and empathy
4-Make time to Pray
5-Play more Games
6-Read more books than I did in 2010
7-Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
8-Take a walk,10-30 minutes walk daily
9-Share a smile with a friend who dont put a smile on their face.
For Personality
1-To not over do. To keep my limits.
2-To not take myself too seriously as no one else does. Why so serious?
3-To dream more while Im awake
4-To envy less. Envy is a waste of time. I had already had all I need.
5-Forget issues of the past. To not remind myself or my friends about their past mistakes,because it can ruin present happiness.
6-Try to not have hate to others. It creates Negative energy.
7-Smile and laugh more
8-Agree to disagree
For Society
1-Call Family more often. Reply long text messages :D
2-To try to give something good each day.
3-To try making at least 3 people smile each day
4-Care less about what others think a bout me.Its none of my business,it a waste of energy.
For my Life
1-Do right thing
2-Spend more time with God,as He heals everything.
3-No matter what I feel in the morning,i will get up,dress up and show up.
4-To thank God every morning when Im awake.
the best person for you is right beside you :)
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